Programs and Tuition
We understand that the program is one of many factors you consider when helping your child find a place in this world. Like most of our student families, you’re probably considering tuition costs, location, curriculum quality, teacher experience, and the school culture.
Our school staff has decades of experience in creating and refining our approach. We’re proud of the students that have passed through this school. They are a testament to our success.
We also carefully prioritize your tuition and extended care payments. This allows us to offer you an affordable price for the highest quality education.
Springs East Montessori delivers exceptional value.

Full-Day Program Costs

Half-Day Programs
Half-day programs include:
3-day preschool, ages 2.5 - 3
5-day preschool, ages 2.5 - 5
Extended Care
3-day extended care for 3-day students
5-day extended care for 5-day students
Occasional extended care is available for $10 per hour
Older sibling drop-off care: $175 per month. This includes the time from bus drop-off to 5:00 pm.
Half-Day Program Costs

Tuition is paid in 10 equal payments:
The first payment is your 10% tuition deposit.
The remaining payments are due over nine months, August - April.
Extended care requires 10 payments
No deposit is required for extended care.
Extended care payments are due August - May
Example 1: Your child is enrolled in a full-day program with extended care.
Due upon enrollment: $880 + $35 application fee
August – April: $1160 per month ($880 tuition + $280 extended care)
May: $280 for extended care. No current-year tuition is due.
Deposit for the following school year is due by May 15 to secure your child’s space.
Example 2: Your child is enrolled in the 5-day 1⁄2 day program with full-day extended care.
Due upon enrollment: $550 + $35 application fee
August – April: $1190 per month ($550 tuition + $640 extended care)
May: $640 for extended care. No current-year tuition is due.
Deposit for the following school year is due by May 15 to secure your child’s space.
Due Dates
$35 application fee is due when you apply to enroll.
10% tuition deposit is due upon enrollment.
Tuition and extended care costs are due by the 10th of each month.
Monthly statements are sent upon request.
If you need to discuss alternate payment options, contact Miss Ann.
Make checks payable to “Springs East School.” Mail to 9429 Loveland Madeira Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242, or place in the lockbox located in the entry hall of the school directly across from the front door.
Placement is guaranteed by the 10% tuition deposit. This payment is non-refundable.
Questions? Call us at 513-793-7877 (8:30 - 3:30) After-hours, call Miss Ruth at 910-850-2089 or Miss Ann at 513-509-7671